About Semel
The exact date of construction of the village is not known, but it was located in a strategic area in a narrow corridor between two mountains that prompted the Akkadians to settle there.
About Semel
Is a city located in the province of Duh0k in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Smail is the center of Smail and is located in the west of the center of the province and in
the middle of plain and fertile lands. It is 16 km from the city of Dohuk and
is located on the international road to Zakho. Smil is characterized by a hill
in the middle of the district topped by a telecommunication tower more than 100
meters high. In 1933 the town witnessed the Semil massacre in which hundreds of
Assyrians were killed.
History Of Semel
The exact date of construction of the village is not known, but it was located in a strategic area in a narrow corridor between two mountains that prompted the Akkadians to settle there. It became a Christian village since the second century and then became Nestorian. The town is famous for the existence of several historical Syriac manuscripts copied. It was mentioned in modern times when there was a confrontation between Kurdish leaders Bahram Pasha and Said Bey. In 1787, Nimirbin Smoaga, the prince of the Yazidi clan, assassinated Abd al-Baqi al-Jalili, the governor of Mosul, his brother and two of his children during his visit to the town. The Yezidi emirate strengthened in these areas, expelling Christians there to Alqosh and Telqsaf and settling there around 1800. However, they were massacred by the Prince of Rawanduz Muhammad Pasha in 1837. Arab families later settled there. The Ottomans established a gendarmerie station and hills of observation in their late days.