About Duhok Map
Duhok City is the center of Duhok prefecture (governorate) one of main cities in Kurdistan Region. It situates north Iraq, (43.20 – 44.10) longitude, (36.40 – 37.20) latitude, close to both Syrian & Turkish borders. Duhok city is on plane ground beween 2 mountain chains, Shandukha from the south and Spi from the north, while mountain Seen stands on the east. On the west side a plane area could be seen with a tourism environment. The majority of citizens are Kurds; they live peacefully with Chaldean, Assyrian, Armenian and Yazidi minorities. Duhok city is famous with historical sites in which sculptures could be seen on the rocks.
There are tens of restaurants, hotels, motels, historic and folkloric museums, Yazidic cultural museum, playground for kids, small zoo, supermarkets; the city embraces Duhok University and many cultural centers. There are many historical and tourist sites in Duhok prefecture.
Some most important tourist places inside the city
Masjed Haj Ahmad: In the center of the city, considered to be the the biggest Masjed of Duhok.
Mart Alaha Church: Considered to be the oldest church in Duhok, situates near the Headquarter of Duhok University.
Mazi Complex: This complex consists of: supermarket, hotel, motel, Dream land fun city and open and roofed swimming pools.
Azadi Park: Downtown near Duhok sport club, has a garden, restaurant, cafeteria.
Zari Park: near Zari land motel groups, consist of: garden, restaurant and a cafeteria.Badirkhanis’ public library: It is on the road toward downtown, consists of reading hall, rest hall and embraces nearly 120 thousand book titles.Duhok fun city: Consist of: garden, plays for kids, restaurant and cafeteria.