was founded in 1978. Started with its activities, and opened its gate for
trades affiliation in governorate. At the beginning the members of
Duhok-Chamber were limited due to the smallness of governorate, other important
cause was littleness volume of the commercial activities. After 1991 leaping
characteristic quantity to the Duhok-Chamber channel, after phenomenon of the
free commercial centers and numerous commercial activities the number of the
Duhok Chamber increased also multiple than ever.
Duhok Chamber Targets,The objective of the Duhok-Chamber foundation was
announced. According to strong desire like any other Chamber allover Iraq. It can
also be said there was other objective and should also be mentioned For
example:for keeping, organizing, promotion commercial activities, and taking
attention in count to the members of Chamber of necessary to be said for other
important objective as following:
1- For recording commercial nouns, holding off into business register and
Grasping of necessary official record books.
2- Definition to the usage habitude ruling in commercial affairs
insidegeographic patch for chamber functions.
3- Rising with role , or participation into arbitration , for termination of
commercial controversies, forming of arbitration committees , experts and
representatives naming for this purpose.
4- Origin issuing evidence for Iraqi merchandise, Issuing, approval of other
commercial documents.
5- Committees forming from its self and else for uncovering about finance,
requested organizing testimony and experts naming to governmental offices and
courts in request.
6- Collection and classification and publishing circulating prices of the main
goods into local markets, and publishing which aim to commercial consciousness
among traders and rising of their stander professional.
7- Limiting of finance efficiency ,and organizing guarantees for faithful
8- Commercial situations studying , and meaningful treatment suggestions to
develop its specialization.

Statistics of Duhok Chamber in 2019 :
1- Number of members of the room / 38450
2- Number of registered companies / 3755
3- The number of small and medium industrial projects / 1294
4- Dlala Real Estate & Vehicles Offices /2507
5- Number of businesswomen registered in the Chamber / 158
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