About The Directorate
Directorate General of Health in Duhok is representing all the directorates, hospitals, PHCs in overall Duhok Governorate.
A government department that supervises all directorates, hospitals, and specialized and health centers in the governorate. It has three directorates in Aqrah and Zakho, in addition to the main office in the governorate.
The directorate aims to create a distinct health system that provides basic health services that are affordable, available, safe, of high quality and high standards based on the practical principles of all citizens in the governorate of duhok with a healthy healthy environment to reach a healthy, healthy society.
The General Directorate of Health in duhok governorate draws up health policies and develops plans to provide preventive health services (primary health care), curative, rehabilitative and educational services so that they are available to all citizens according to the best standards of quality and fairness in providing good services and compassionate care for patients and preserving the environment.
Strategic objectives: -
1- Achieving sustainable financing for the health care sector, with the involvement of the private sector to provide health services and private financial management for hospitals.
2. Equitable access to health services of good quality for all citizens with equality in providing health services.
3. Training and capacity building, including training and capacity building in the field of management, capacity building in the field of public health, and the modernization of
continuing medical, health and professional education.
4. Focusing on primary health care services to reduce infant and maternal mortality, emergency obstetric care services, family planning programs,
vaccination campaigns, malnutrition programs, mental health services, improving lunch safety measures, and an epidemiological monitoring system for infectious diseases.
5. Strengthening the management of the health sector, including restructuring the Ministry of Health, updating health legislation, enhancing capabilities in the field of planning and management,
building capacities in the field of decentralization, developing leadership and introducing the concepts of decision-making.
6. Establish a public health insurance system and ensure that all citizens have access to it.
7. Applying the decentralization policy for the management of health institutions
8. Development of secondary and tertiary health care by building hospitals and other health institutions as needed in districts, sub-districts, complexes and villages.
9 Addressing the problem of lack of medicines and medical equipment.
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Data's about Duhok Governorate
- Duhok population = 985946
- Health centers (Primary and Specialized) =148
- Hospitals # = 8
- Hospital beds #= 1144
- Clients # to PHCs = 1,575255
- Attendees # to hospitals = 626,701
- Admitted patients # = 107,222
- Surgical operations #= 21,218
- Normal deliveries # = 36,621
- Cesarean sections # = 5,156 (12.3%)