21 March Newroz
Every year on 21st of March, Kurds around the world celebrate their New Year which starts with Spring when the nature starts reviving. For thousands of years, the beginning of the Kurdish New Year has been associated with joy, dancing, family gatherings, cooking traditional food and, of course, making huge customary fires.
Some View Of Newroz

About Kurdish New Year’s ( Newroz )
Newroz is a Kurdish national holiday. It is the first day of spring and the first day of the new year according to the Gregorian calander. The Medes which were the first Kurdish self-governed authority around (700 B.C.) celebrated Nawroz annually through different ceremonies including setting up fires of which is until now practiced all around Kurdistan. Fire is considered as a symbol of triumph in Kurdish mythology. During Newroz Kurds wear their traditional clothes and celebrate by picnicing and carrying out cheerful traditional Kurdish dances and songs,and this year will be celebrated from March 21th to April 1st.
During Newroz, there are special foods, fireworks, dancing, singing, and poetry recitations. Spring flowers (such as tulips, hyacinths, and pussy willows) are cut, new clothes are worn, and pottery is smashed for good luck. Families spend the day in the country, enjoying nature and the fresh growth of spring.
The celebration of Newroz has its local peculiarities in different regions of Kurdistan. On the eve of Newroz, in southern and eastern Kurdistan, bonfires are lit. These fires symbolize the passing of the dark season, winter, and the arrival of spring, the season of light. During the thirteen days after Newroz, families visit each other and visit the graves of dead relatives. Everyone tries to resolve any conflicts or misunderstandings that may be carried from the year before.
Newroz Festival
Newroz is a traditional celebration in Kurdish culture. Although many cultures in this part of the world have a springtime holiday, Newroz holds a special meaning for the Kurdish people. It marks the Kurdish New Year at the Spring Equinox starting 20 March, and is now a three day holiday of unity, hope and renewal in the Region. The ‘Newroz fire’ is the traditional Kurdish symbol of victory.

< Some view of newroz
The Newroz myth recounts the Kurdish struggle against an evil ruler. When the Kurdish forces defeated the tyrant, they lit fires to transmit the good news to the people throughout the Region. The fire has therefore come to represent initiative and success, to symbolize freedom from oppression and to signify growth and revitalization.
Newroz In Akre
AKRE, Kurdistan Region — In what’s commonly referred to as Kurdistan’s capital of Newroz.

is a
traditional celebration in Kurdish culture.

It is the first day of spring and the first day of the new year according to the Gregorian calander.

The celebration of Newroz has its local peculiarities in different regions of Kurdistan. On the eve of Newroz, in southern and eastern Kurdistan.
AKRE, Kurdistan Region — In what’s commonly referred to as Kurdistan’s capital of Newroz, a new year celebrated by Kurds, locals are making a concerted effort to be more environmentally conscious this year.
Small fires, previously often burning tires, light the way for Kurds in Akre as they walk up its hill.
“Now, we don’t burn tires. Instead, we burn torches made from a wet tree branch wrapped in a piece of burlap with a wire and a nail.
He further explained the torches which the participants will carry.
“We will then soak the torch in oil from morning until evening. When the ceremony starts in the evening, you remove the torch from the oil, light it, and then take it to the hilltop.
More than 1,000 torches have already been made. Akre overflows with tourists on Newroz Eve, March 20.

Newroz In Duhok
DUHOK, Kurdistan Region – The Kurdistan Region’s beautiful nature hosted Newroz visitors from across Iraq, happy to welcome spring with peace and joy.

Newroz In Zakho
Newroz is a celebration of Newroz traditional New Year in Kurdish culture.

Newroz In Akre
AKRE, Kurdistan Region — In what's commonly referred to as Kurdistan's capital of Newroz, a new year celebrated by Kurds, locals are making a concerted effort to be more environmentally conscious this year.
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